Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bloating: Why You Feel It and What You Can Do About It

Feeling bloated is one of the most common complaints that people have. It can be caused by a variety of things, from eating certain foods to drinking too much water. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of bloating and what you can do to alleviate it.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Eating Too Much

Eating too much food can cause bloating as your stomach is unable to digest it all at once. Eating smaller meals more regularly throughout the day can help reduce bloating. For example, instead of having three large meals a day, have four or five smaller meals.

Eating Too Quickly

When you eat too quickly, you swallow air which causes your stomach to become bloated. Taking your time when eating and chewing each bite properly can help combat this problem. For example, try counting to five before you swallow each bite of food.

Drinking Too Much Water or Carbonated Beverages

Having too much liquid in your system can lead to feeling bloated, as the added water will stretch out your stomach lining and make you feel overly full. Limiting these types of drinks, especially before or during meals, may be beneficial. For example, try to drink water or unsweetened tea instead of carbonated drinks.

Eating High-Fiber Foods

High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are a great way to increase your nutrient intake and help promote regular digestion. However, eating too much fiber can lead to feeling bloated as it takes longer for the body to break down these foods. Try introducing fiber-rich foods slowly into your diet so your body has time to adjust.

Food Intolerances/Allergies

If you suffer from food intolerances or allergies, eating certain foods can cause bloating and other gastrointestinal issues. Identifying which foods trigger these reactions is the best way to prevent them and reduce bloating. For example, if you have a wheat intolerance, avoiding foods containing wheat or gluten will help reduce your symptoms.

Poor Digestion

Poor digestion can lead to a build-up of gas in your system, causing bloatedness. Eating slowly and chewing your food properly can help improve digestion, as can avoiding overly processed foods. For example, instead of reaching for processed foods or sugary snacks, opt for healthy, fibre-rich whole foods such as fruits and vegetables.


Constipation often accompanies bloating as the intestines struggle to move digested food along. Eating more fiber and drinking plenty of water can help alleviate constipation and reduce bloating. For example, try drinking a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning or taking a probiotic supplement.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menstruation, can also cause bloating. Keeping track of your cycle and noting when you feel bloated can be helpful in determining what could be causing it.


Stress can also be a cause of bloating. Reducing stress through lifestyle changes or relaxation techniques may help to reduce bloating.

How to Combat Bloating

The best way to combat bloating is to be aware of what could be causing it and make lifestyle changes accordingly. Eating smaller meals more regularly, drinking plenty of water, avoiding food triggers, and reducing stress can all help alleviate the symptoms of bloating. If the problem persists or worsens, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor for further diagnosis and advice.

Losing Water Weight

Losing water weight can help reduce bloating, so it’s important to stay hydrated and get plenty of electrolytes. The reason is that water weight is composed of electrolytes, so without enough of these minerals, your body will retain more water and create a bloated feeling.


Exercising regularly can also help reduce bloating. Cardio and strength training can both help to burn off excess calories and improve digestion, which will help reduce bloatedness.

Don’t Skip Meals

Skipping meals can lead to hunger and over-eating, which will only worsen the feeling of bloating. Eating regular meals throughout the day is important for proper digestion and preventing bloat.

Take Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes can help to break down food more efficiently, preventing the build-up of gas and bloating. Taking a probiotic or digestive enzyme supplement or adding fermented foods to your diet can be beneficial for digestion and reducing bloating.

Photo by little plant on Unsplash

In conclusion, feeling bloated can be uncomfortable and annoying! Understanding what causes it, as well as making lifestyle changes such as eating smaller meals more regularly, drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly, can all help reduce bloating. If the problem persists or worsens, it is always best to talk to your doctor for further diagnosis and advice.

Partnered post

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