Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Dramatically Switch Up Your Style In Four Simple Steps

 woman in green jacket stands and pose on street


It can take years to cultivate a style that you’re happy with. But what happens when even this look, this comfortable look that makes you feel like you belong stops working for you? Picking a mish-mash of clothes and hairstyles is hardly the way forward, and you feel you’re not old enough to go for the comfort route just yet. There is an alternative, though. And that alternative is to dramatically switch up your style the way you’ve always wanted to. But how? 

Look at Your Style Icons 

Even if you don’t know it, you have been influenced by fashion icons throughout your life. Previously, you may have just admired the way they wear clothes without fear. But if you want to change your look and do it well, then you need to find some of that confidence and apply it to your outfits. Your style icons didn’t become such by playing it safe, so bear this in mind the next time you’re debating whether a loud, almost garish outfit is too much, or if it’s the kind of statement you’ve always wanted to make.  

Consider ‘Shortcuts’ 

Considering a drastic change can be difficult to achieve if you need to wait around for hair to grow or for online orders to arrive. So, you can think about shortcuts to get you to where you want to be as quickly as possible. Options like hair extensions or even getting creative with clothes you already have and customizing them are excellent options, whereas borrowing clothes from bold friends can also help you get an idea of which style works best for you. 

Test Different Things 

Shortcuts also tie into the next point. There are plenty of different styles and looks to choose from, which can be overwhelming to someone still unsure about what’s best for them. So, you can take the opportunity to test a range of different things. If you’re thinking of dying your hair or changing the length, use a wig to help you visualize how it would look. If you want to obtain a more vintage style, browse vintage stores and try items before you buy them. At the very least, you’ll know what works and what doesn’t. 

Be Bold, Be Unapologetic 

People often feel they don't belong when changing their look. They don’t think it’s them, and they feel more like an imposter playing dress-up. However, it’s not as difficult as you believe to be bold without feeling ridiculous. You shouldn't apologize for how you dress (unless it is wildly inappropriate for the occasion, such as sweatpants to the ball). The less you worry about what others think, the more confident you will be in your new look, and that confidence will radiate, so people won’t even think there’s any difference. 

Big Changes 

Any big change in life feels risky, and you might even feel a little silly at first. However, you are not doing this for anyone but yourself, so if it makes you feel good (after a while), then this is all that matters, and you can make your dramatic new style something that everyone associates with you.

Partnered post

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